Dana Larkin, Executive Director of Growing Up Knowing and Ken Hodges of Wells United Methodist Church spoke to the Rotary Club of North Jackson at the Club’s September 11, 2018 meeting. Mr. Hodges spoke about WellsFest, an annual fundraiser conducted by Wells Church. Growing up Knowing is the beneficiary of this year’s WellsFest. WellsFest is held the last Saturday in September, September 29. It features, music, a run, an art auction, a coffee house, and grilled picnic fare. L.last year, WellsFest raised about $70,000. The goal this year is $50,000. All of the funds raised go to the beneficiary. In the first photo, Mr. Hodges is shown discussing WellsFest.
Growing up knowing is targeted at reducing teen pregnancy and the transmission of STIs, particularly by teenagers. According to its website: GROWING UP KNOWING engages young people and their families in real conversations about sexual health and staying safe. The program consists of parent-child sessions with elementary age and middle-school children. The sessions are held at non profit organizations such as Stewpot Community Services, Operation Shoestring, and the Boys & Girls Clubs. Ms. Larkin distributed a fact sheet on teen pregnancy and STI rates for MS and the US.
The second photo is of Ms. Larkin during her presentation.
The photo below shows Ms. Larkin,(2nd from right), and Mr. Hodges (2nd from left) along with Leah Wittenberg, Program Specialist with Growing up Knowing (left), and Club President Anna Powers (right)
We thank Ms. Larkin for what her organization is doing for Mississippi’s youth. We also thank Mr. Hodges and Wells Church for the 35 years that the church has sponsored WellsFest to benefit the Jackson Metro area.