Cris Bourn and Wendy Barrileaux, both Physical Therapists at St. Dominic Hospital, spoke to the Rotary Club of North Jackson at its March 18, 2014 meeting on Stroke treatment and tele-medicine. St. Doionic is one of 5 primary stroke treatment hospitals in the State of Mississippi. They emphasized the need to rapidly treat stroke vicitims to prevent or reverse adverse effects of those attacks. They discussed the critical 3 hr. window from the time that the symptoms begin until treatment occurs. Tele-medicine allows rural hospitals to communicate with primary stroke treatment hospitals, such as St. Dominic, and to begin treatment within the critical window. Both Bourn and Barrileaux have their doctorates in  physical therapy. As a final step in their presentation, they showed how well tele-medicine works by showing a live picture of Rotarian Henry Larose in the St. Dominic Emergency room. Dr. Bourn and Dr., Barrileaux are shown below during their presentation.